Yellow Moth Story

The Story of my YellowMoth brand starts with a sign from the universe. It begins with me working at a job that was physically tiring and not stimulating. One day I was feeling hopeless and severely tired. A yellow moth landed on my hand as I was doing an unpleasant job and I studied it while it landed on my hand. The most beautiful brown and yellow markings and fluffy face of the moth didn’t make me fear it. I don’t particularly like bugs, but this interaction was different.


When I arrived home, I looked up the meaning of the yellow moth and it is a spiritual animal which is referred to in Chinese culture. It embodies the importance of self-expression, creativity and true identity. It also symbolises hope and being the most authentic version of yourself without fear of judgement from others. It guides you to improve confidence in finding your core identity. It encourages you to push your goals in personal growth, work and other aspects of your life. If you come across a yellow moth it may be a sign that it is attracted to the energy you are putting into the universe. In conclusion, it is good omen and symbolises enjoying a fruitful and happy life without the stress of denying your identity or creativity.


I embraced this sign from the universe and created my brand name and logo around this amazing interaction and it’s spiritual meaning.


This isn’t the only time I have seen the moth which leads me to believe that it is a fortuitous sign. Again, when I was at work doing a difficult physical bearing job quite recently, I saw it flying above my head.


The Yellow Moth is part of my identity, brand and aesthetic.